Saturday, October 26, 2013

Let's go fly a kite

Finally, we were able to fly the kite our neighbor gave us.


A standing Pon-vation.  :)


Saturday, October 19, 2013

If you give a three-year-old an egg

She will want a bowl to put it in.

If you give her a bowl,

she will want to crack the egg open.





Sunday, October 13, 2013

Jim Sveda's stealth vacation

According to KUSC, he's

The man with a "classical radio voice from central casting."
The man with more "as my grandmother said" tales than you can shake a grandmother axiom at.
The man who can tell the Rodrigo Aranjuez story like no other.

This guy is on air every weekday evening on KUSC from 7 PM to midnight.

And he must be old enough to receive Medicare.  :)

There was one time in 2010, when he took a three week vacation, which he definitely deserves.

Brenda Barnes, the president of KUSC, took his place back then.

I haven't heard him openly take vacations since that time, but if you listen carefully, he takes "stealth" vacations now and then.

KUSC will air recordings of past broadcasts in these cases.

You may notice when he mentions something seasonal, or the day of the week, and it doesn't match.  :)

He just took two weeks off.

On the week of 9/23, they aired recordings from the week of 7/15.

Last week was substituted by recordings from various dates.

9/30 : 5/14/12
10/1 : 11/20/12
10/2 : 7/3/13
10/3 : 11/1/12
10/4 : 9/28/12

Maybe he was getting ready for the Fall Membership Drive, which they are currently in the middle of.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Pacific Symphony on KUSC?

These are two musical organizations I deeply appreciate and support.

This season, they decided not to air the Saturday night concerts live.  Not sure where the decision came from...

I recall the Pacific Symphony broadcasting live on the radio on K-Mozart as well, back when Rich Caparella was over there.

Anyways, here is the schedule for the recorded broadcasts.  Last week's performance will be on February 9, 2014.,7

去年度までPacific Symphonyの土曜日のコンサートがKUSCでライブ放送されていましたが、


So, ... my wife and I went to the Saturday concert, and I took my daughter to the Sunday one.

Conrad Tao did an awesome Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto #3, and treated the audience with an encore:  Kreisler's Liebesleid, arranged by Rachmaninoff.

He said he "felt the audience needs a break after listening to Rach 3".  Carl countered, "what about you?"  :)

先週、嫁様と1回、娘と1回行きましたが、Conrad TaoのRach 3、凄かったです。そしてアンコールにRachmaninoff版「愛の悲しみ」を演奏!

I'm looking forward to hearing the concert again, on KUSC.