Saturday, October 17, 2015

Jog-A-Thon (School Fund Raising)

Our daughter is fund raising at her school's Jog-A-Thon on October 23th!

The technology is amazing, I was able to set up a personalized site with video and all.  :)

This is the only fund raiser the school does, so you won't be offered to buy any chocolate bars later on.  :)

 Travis Ranch Jog-A-Thon



23日に学校で走るのですが、"per lap"の場合、走った周×金額分が寄付されます。

"flat amount"の場合、金額がそのまま寄付されます。

PTAが登録団体(Tax ID:  33-0224464)なので、寄付金は所得税控除対象です。

First time participating, so everything's new to us.

It looks like you can either pledge per lap (max 35 laps) or a flat amount.

So if you pledge $1 per lap, and she jogs 30 laps, you would donate $30.

Donations are tax deductible (Tax ID:  33-0224464).

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